Guyana arapaima fishMy Cichlids (current and past)
arapaima fishMy Cichlids (current and past)
here is a collection of some of my cichlids... current and past.... theres heaps that arent in this collection. ill have to go through my pc and find more pics!

John, you have nice collection of cichlids. Thanks for sharing.
>no worries mate, heaps more to come... im finding hundreds of pics of my all in mixed up folders and the place!..
>Is that a puffer with white spots on its body with a bit of blusih tone and striking yellow on the underside of its belly? 朔城水族批发市场封缸走起效果如何不知道了What species is that, marine or freshwater? Looks interesting... wonder how big will it grow? Looking forward to more of your interesting pics, mate.
Thanks for sharing your amazing cichlids collection.
>its a milk spotted puffer... mainly brackish water but i had mine doing well with americans... unfortuantly the tank he was in had a run of white spot and that done him in....sigh... i will be getting more very soon though!
these guys grow to around 6 inches... so a pretty good size for a puffer!
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The schematic diagram of the fish toilet fish tank$
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